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Monday, August 5, 2013

Jesus Isn’t Enough for Henry M. Morris

I have in my library the book The Revelation Record: A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the Prophetic Book of the End of Times[i] by Henry M. Morris – a commentary on the final book of the bible and a sort of bookend companion piece to his similarly named commentary on Genesis.  And it is a howler, ridiculousness on nearly every page, far too many to share them all...

But in flipping through it last night I read this commentary on Revelation 3:17

“Such churches [“neutral churches”], commonly calling themselves conservative, or evangelical, or charismatic, or even fundamentalist, may have big church buildings and ostentatious programs and e very much impressed with themselves, but if they do not stand solidly and fervently for true creationism and full biblical inerrancy and authority in all things, He who is the Creator and the Word finds them intolerably distasteful and threatens to spue them out.”[ii]

According to Morris, it’s not enough declare “Jesus is Lord” and believe that God has raised him from the dead[iii] but one also MUST “stand solidly and fervently for true creationism” (whatever that is!) and for “full biblical inerrancy.”

This is rubbish. If it’s Jesus + Anything (even something as nominally “Biblical” as “true creationism”) it is not the gospel and should be rejected.

[i] Morris, Henry M. The Revelation Record: A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the Prophetic Book of the End of Times Tyndale House Publishers, Inc, Wheaton IL, 1983
[ii] Page 77
[iii] Romans 10:9

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